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Healing The Sister Wound Ceremony

Women's Healing Circle, Ecstatic dance, sound and energy healing

  • From 33 US dollars
  • Studio Timeout

Service Description

Galentine’s Sisterhood Healing Circle: Talking Circle, Ecstatic Dance, Sound bath, Energy Healing Join Kelly Rae and Beth as we create a beautiful night of sisterhood connection and healing on Galentines night. What is the sisterhood wound? It is the emotional and psychological impact of negative experiences or conflicts within relationships among women. It suggests that women, instead of supporting each other, may sometimes experience tension, competition, or emotional injuries within female relationships. It is rooted in the societal expectations, stereotypes, and systemic pressures that create a competitive environment among women, undermining the potential for solidarity and mutual support. Have you experienced this? Do you wish you had a group of women who showed up for you? Who you could be your true self with? Women you trusted, where you could say the hard things and be vulnerable even though it’s scary? Do you crave something more than surface level interactions? We will dive deep into sisterhood traumas that include our society’s love to pit women against one another in competition, trust issues, betrayal, judgement, and the hurt that happens when women don’t nurture and support other women. The reality is we all crave connection and community. Connection that is real, authentic, and rooted in compassion, empathy, and unconditional love. We want to be seen, heard, understood, and valued for who we are at our core. Women have a unique ability to offer this gift to other women. We will meditate. We will stop and smell the roses. We will share past sisterhood hurts and our individual intentions for healing. We will journal and dance, moving this energy out through our bodies. We will ground deeply in a sound bath and energy healing. If you are ready to share a safe, beautiful space with other women in mutual healing, solidarity, and trust, please join us. This is the first session in our Womb Consciousness Series. Womb Consciousness is a holistic way to connect to the energy and symbolism of our wombs. The womb is a sacred space and source of our creative and transformative energy. It is the center of feminine power and intuition. It embraces the cyclical nature of our reproductive system and connects us broadly to nature’s cycles and rhythms. We can use the power of our wombs to heal, empower, and create.

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

$100 for missed appointments or late cancellation.

Contact Details

+ 917-385-3347

Twin Cities Reiki, Nicollet Avenue, Minneapolis, MN, USA

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